This was by far the best Christmas that I can remember. It was so wonderful to have everyone in town and of course Miss Kaitlin was the bell of the ball. She made everything extra special for us all. Oh and all the toys galore and more clothes than you can imagine. What a lucky little girl she is to have so many people that love her! I really enjoyed watching her play with her new toys. She didn't really understand what was going on, but she was excited nonetheless. Of course, her favorite part was ripping the wrapping paper off the gifts. It was a great weekend and I was so sad to see it come to an end.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Baby's First Christmas.
This was by far the best Christmas that I can remember. It was so wonderful to have everyone in town and of course Miss Kaitlin was the bell of the ball. She made everything extra special for us all. Oh and all the toys galore and more clothes than you can imagine. What a lucky little girl she is to have so many people that love her! I really enjoyed watching her play with her new toys. She didn't really understand what was going on, but she was excited nonetheless. Of course, her favorite part was ripping the wrapping paper off the gifts. It was a great weekend and I was so sad to see it come to an end.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Getting ready for Christmas...
I haven't been this excited for Christmas since I was a child. Having a child in the house really makes you count your blessings and appreciate the true meaning of the holiday. We are very fortunate to be able to spend it with our entire family. Christmas Eve we will spend time with BJ's family in Charleston and then spend Christmas Day with my family in Huntington. I am looking forward to celebrating with old traditions and starting a few new ones. Here are some fun pictures of Kaitlin...she is ready for Christmas, too!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Nine months
My little girl is not so little anymore. At nine months she is so active and exploring everything. She started crawling about a week ago and we cannot stop her now! Oh my, its a whole different world now. Its amazing how much she has changed in the last few weeks. She is so aware of everything going on and when she wants something, you can no longer distract her. She has finally said a real "ma ma" and is talking up a storm. She has developed a little bit of a sassy attitude. oh no. But she is still my sweet baby. She is going through a big growth spurt and is waking up to eat around 2-3 am on some nights. Hopefully this will pass soon. We moved her crib to the lowest level after I walked in her room and she was standing! Her whole world has changed now that she is crawling. She is a little investigator and it really is entertaining to watch. Her favorite toy is my cell phone, so in the interest of saving it from drool and teeth marks, I had to get her one of her own (don't worry its a toy). She has four teeth now and is working on a couple more. She loves when we sing to her and loves to play "peek a boo" and "patty cake." She is also learning the meaning of "no." She loves to shake her head and thinks it is the funniest thing ever when i shake my head real fast. She gives "high fives" back and grins from ear to ear when she see us. She is one sharp baby and has us all wrapped around her little finger.
I'm loving this stage, even though it is exhausting. What a personality she has! We are really looking forward to Christmas next week!
I'm loving this stage, even though it is exhausting. What a personality she has! We are really looking forward to Christmas next week!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Mommy's Gift.
I turned 29 last week and as I was complaining about being old, BJ says "you are only as old as you feel" to which I respond, "well then I am 85." haha. Seriously, though I feel so old...mostly because I am SO exhausted ALL of the time and running on empty everyday. But also because my life has changed so much. What a difference a couple of years can make! But, as much as I sometimes miss my former life and especially the friends I don't have time to see, I wouldn't change a thing. I have the best gift in the world:

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Holiday Season
Its the most wonderful time of the year! We kicked off the holiday season with a big Thanksgiving dinner at my parent's house. We were very lucky to have most of our family with us. We have so much to truly be thankful for and I know how blessed I am to have the most amazing family, a wonderful husband, and the sweetest daughter. I am definitely counting my blessings this year! Christmas is right around the corner. It takes on a whole new meaning when you have a child and I have to say I am so excited for Kaitlin's First Christmas!
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