She is sweet as can be, gives lots of hugs and kisses, comforts her friends when they are sad, and gives lots of love to mommy and daddy. And when she says "I love you Mama," it melts my heart. Speaking of talking, she talks non stop and is saying several multi word sentences. She says bye to everyone: "Bye Mac, Bye Maddie, Bye Bird, Bye Baby, etc." She loves her dogs, but it really bothers her when they do something they aren't supposed to do or get near her toys. She is so funny.
I know she is really growing up because she sits still and lets me fix her hair now and when I take her to school she puts her "baby" to bed (aka in Kaitlin's cubby) and says "baby night night". Although she still loves "baby" she is becoming less dependent on her and doesn't even nap with her at school. We are very happy with Kaitlin's school and she is learning so much. She recently surprised me by counting to 10! She also knows shapes and colors: blue, red, pink, and yellow.
We read lots of books at home. She loves animals and making animal sounds. She is obsessed with being outdoors. Our backyard looks like an advertisement for Toys R Us. Fortunately we also have a playground practically in our backyard and the weather has been amazing. She still loves music and loves to dance. She has quite an imagination and loves playing with her dolls. Elmo is of course her favorite.
Kaitlin is crawling out of her crib, but so far not at night...only during nap time. So I know we are going to be moving to a toddler bed soon, but I'm putting it off as long as possible. She has been staying up later than normal lately, but I'm ok with it because I get more time with her in the evenings.
She is making friends in the neighborhood. So far her best friends are a 5 year old little girl and a 10 year old boy. They are so sweet to her and she loves to play with the big kid toys. Each evening they ride their bikes on the cul de sac as she tries out her Trike or drives her pink car.
We casually started potty training a couple of months ago and it was going extremely well. But, we had to put a hold on it because things have just been too CRAZY the past 2 months. We will pick it back up soon. I think it will only take her a few days once we get serious as she loves to sit on her potty.
Another year has flown by and I know she will be starting kindergarten before I know it! She is a joy to be around and her giggles are addicting. I love watching her learn and grow. I can't wait to see what year 3 has in store.