Courtney Arnold and Natalie Justice gave me a beautiful shower the weekend after the bar exam. Unfortunately due to bad weather Natalie and Josh were unable to come in that weekend. We miss them so much! They surprised us with a great gift...a jogger stroller and car seat! The shower was so nice and Courtney is a fabulous hostess! It was great to see some friends I had not seen in ages. BJ's mom, grandmother, and aunts outdid themselves. Lets just say Kaitlin is going to be the best dressed baby girl ever. She is going to be a little diva that is for sure! I spent ALL DAY Sunday doing laundry~she has a complete ward drobe for the first year of her life! They made me feel very special and I know Kaitlin is going to be very loved. More pics to come...

My parent's have some wonderful friends that is for sure...after everything they did for us for the wedding, they went above and beyond to give us a wonderful shower. It was really fun to have the men included! Although BJ was not thrilled to open gifts in front of everyone! haha. We are very lucky to have so many people that care about us. It is incredible how much people love to celebrate a baby! Of course it is God's greatest gift.
My mom is thrilled to be a Nini~ her house is already baby ready! My dad said you would think they were having another baby!
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