Watching Maddie be crazy.

Wow. I can hardly believe Kaitlin was born 4 months ago. It has been the fastest 4 months of my life. And it is even harder to believe how much she has grown and changed in such a short period of time. BJ and I are having so much fun watching her learn and develop. She has developed her own little personality and is just as sweet as can be. She is a very easy going, laid back baby. People tell us all the time how lucky we are to have such a calm baby. She is very well socialized because she is around people ALL the time. Having a spring baby is wonderful because you don't have to stay couped up inside for long. We are just so blessed to have her in our life.
She has started squealing and trying to talk. She coos and makes noises as if she is responding to what we are saying. This squeal is new and is so cute. Its not a cry, but a loud, long coo. She is doing it all the time now. I have a feeling she might be a big runs in the family (not necessarily from BJ and I haha).
She is rolling around a lot more...time to start baby proofing! She can sit up for awhile with only a little she might start sitting up on her own soon. She watches anything that moves. She grabs everything and sucks on her hands. She splashes around in the bath tub and has so much fun! She starts grinning when she hears our voices. She watches Maddie run around.
She is thankfully sleeping through the night again. She still pulls an occassional all nighter, but these are much easier to endure when I have slept the night before. She has her 4 month check up next week and I am really anxious to see how much she has grown in the last 2 months. She mostly wears 3-6 mos clothes, but her onesies are 6 mos!!!
I have recovered well. Its amazing how quickly you can bounce back to normal. One of these days I am going to have time to start seriously working out again, but for now I am happy walking with the jogger! Working is easier now. I still miss her like crazy, but I know I am a good mom and doing the best I can for her. BJ is doing well. He has become very active and involved with Kaitlin. He enjoys bathing her and spending QT in the evenings. He still says all the time "I can't believe I'm a dad."
Like I have said before, each month keeps getting better and better!!! Its hard to believe how one little girl can bring so much joy to so many people!
Sarah!! I cant wait for the 4 month mark. I can't wait for colin to have a wee bit more head control :)Give that girl a kiss for me. You both have the most GORGEOUS eyes.. BJ is a lucky man twice over :) <3 you!
She does not stand a chance at not being a talker! I think we all know where that gene came She is beautiful and healthy, what more could you ask for.
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