* Kaitlin had her six month check up and is healthy as can be! :) She weighs 17.13 lbs and is in the 80th percentile. She has slowed down a little (at 4 months she was in the 95th). Poor thing had to have 3 shots, including the flu vaccine...but I'm happy she was old enough to get it before flu season arrives.
* I saw her experience "stranger anxiety" for the first time when the DR. grabbed her to examine her. She looked at me with puppy dog eyes and then got the saddest face, tears in her eyes, and reached out for me. He gave her back to me and she immediately stopped crying. My social little butterfly has never done this before, but then again she is not used to strangers grabbing her away like that...and this is apparently the age they start developing this anxiety. I am not sure I am ready for it...such a sad face.
After her shots...poor baby.
* She had vegetables for the first time...yes I made them myself and my husband called me a hippy. I'm sure Gerber is just fine and she will end up eating it too, but for now I don't think she needs all those preservatives. She also liked them a lot more than cereal. :)
Messy messy.
* AND...saving the BEST for last...she said her FIRST WORD tonight!!! I have been dying for her to say something, and she finally did. She was on the ground and her dad was sitting in the chair. I was trying to take a picture of her and I kept saying look at daddy, and then all of a sudden she just said "daddy." We looked at each other, like did she just say that??? But she definitely did. It was the sweetest voice. As much as I would have loved it to be mommy, it was just as exciting to hear daddy (and it was not "da da" it was "daddy."
Right before she said it.
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