Monday, September 26, 2011

One and a half.

Okay I know it has been awhile and I honestly considered quitting the blog altogether...but then I read back through the last year and a half and it was so nice to read about Kaitlin and our family at different stages of her life. Especially because time really does go by too fast and its so easy to forget the little moments. So I've decided to start back up...

Our little Katie Bug is a year and a half old! I can't believe it. The second year is going by even faster than the first year! We are having a ball with our little toddler. She is so much fun. Although we spend a lot of time chasing after her, she makes us laugh constantly and is full of personality. She loves to run around and be outdoors. She goes to the door and begs to go outside. She loves her dogs and thinks every other dog (or even deer) is named "Mac." She loves to brush her teeth. She tries to copy everything I do. Singing and dancing is a favorite and she loves to listen to music. The hokey pokey is the current favorite dance right now. Sadly, she loves when BJ and I sing to her- poor thing. The child has always loved to eat, but she loves it even more now. She would eat all day if we would let her...but of course she refuses to eat vegetables or any type of meat. I do miss the days when she would eat her peas and carrots. She still goes to bed easily most nights and naps well. She loves to play dress up and do anything to be the center of attention. She still loves her "baby" and CANNOT go to bed without it. Kaitlin is very observant and takes everything in. She understands when we ask her to do something and 9 times out of 10, she cooperates. She does test us at times. We do have an occasional temper tantrum, but they are short lived. I'm hoping this is the worst of the "terrible twos" but we still have a ways to go. She is learning sign language at her school and we practice at home. She signs "more" when she wants something (usually food) and she also knows the signs for "help" and "water." She is a little Mountaineer fan already and can do the "First Down" cheer (well as best as an 18 month old can). She will also say "GOOOOOOO" when a game is on. She likes to pick things up and pass them out. She also loves to put things together, and close doors. She closes the doors every time she enters or leaves a room, and she especially loves to shut the dogs out of a room. This sweet girl sure does know how to make us feel good when she lays her head on our chest or begs to be picked up. We are excited to see what the next 6 months bring and before you know it we will be celebrating her 2nd birthday! I'll give some updates on what our family has been up to in a later post- of course things are always changing with us!

Its finally cool enough to take walks and Kaitlin loves to drive her car.

She is looking so grown up.

In her new hiking gear...she loves to be up high.

Having so much fun.