Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

10 months

Our little girl sure is an entertainer! She loves to put on a show. She is very vocal and talks to me during our commutes to and from Charleston. She is into everything. Oh my goodness she will wear you out. Fortunately she has lots of toys to keep her occupied, but when she thinks you aren't looking she will try to sneak and get something she is not supposed to get into...a favorite is the cord to my laptop. She always goes after the remote controls, too. She understands "no," but thinks its hilarious when you say it. She waves hi and bye to everyone. She loves to give high fives and is working on clapping. At ten months she weighs 19.5 pounds. She has gained just over 2 lbs in 4 months, so her growth has slowed down A LOT...probably all that crawling around! But she has definitely grown in height and is 29 inches tall. We finally put her in her big girl car seat and she seems very comfy. She has five teeth and I'm slowly but surely trying to transition to "real" foods. So far I've kept it simple-grilled chicken, turkey, veggies, waffles, bananas, etc. She loves to feed herself. AND I absolutely cannot wait until she is off formula in a couple of months. My baby's stomach has just had a rough time with it. She never lost any of her hair and it is getting thicker and longer. She has already had at least 4 haircuts because we have to keep it out of her eyes.

Kaitlin does not sit still for long. She pulls herself up to standing and scoots around the couch. But I still think walking is a little ways off. When she is tired she will still lay with me, and it is so sweet. I cherish these moments. Her first birthday is in two months! I've already started planning her party and I can't wait to see all the news things she will be doing in these next two months!

Such a goofball.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Back and Forth

Back and Forth, originally uploaded by mcgills09.

This video is hilarious. Miss Kaitlin is loving her newfound abilities to explore. There is just so much for her to get into and investigate, she has a hard time deciding. Also, I am LOVING my new Sony Bloggie video camera that my dear husband got me for Christmas. I am just now uploading the videos and sharing them. I definitely recommend this camera, as it shoots great HD video and is so easy to use. I researched for months to find the perfect one and right around Christmas time they came out with a new version of this one and so far it has proved to be great!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Riding her "Dino"

Riding her "Dino", originally uploaded by mcgills09.

This Fisher Price "Dino Ride a-long" is a great gift, however, she won't really be able to enjoy it to the fullest until she is older. It is really a "Walker" that turns to a ride along when babies are older. However, walkers are not good for babies' development, so we are not using it as a walker. She loves the music and lights and to pushed around in it for now. =) Also, the baby in the advertisement looked so much like Kaitlin that I just couldn't resist!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Scrub a Dub Dub.

Kaitlin is a happy girl that is for sure, but there is no time that she is happier than when in the bath tub. As it has become increasingly more difficult to get shots of this quick moving, never sitting still child, I was happy to get a few this morning in the bath tub. I could just eat her up!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year. New Beginnings.

My loves.
My heart.

Another year over...the year of Kaitlin's birth. The best year I could ever imagine. Although it is sad to see it end, I am also hopeful and optimistic about our future. BJ and I have been through so much and at times it feels like I am going to fall apart. I am stressed out 99% of the time and I get frustrated and depressed over how hard my life is right now. I recently experienced a very eye opening event. Kaitlin and I were in a very serious car accident this past week, and I can honestly say that it was God's will that we live through it. I have replayed it in my head over and over again and the only conclusion I have is that God was watching over us and it was not our time. It was the most terrifying experience I have ever had and I am sure to have nightmares for awhile. But, I am so beyond grateful and thankful. As I saw my life flash before my eyes, all I could think about was my precious girl in the back seat. Oh my, I can't even talk about it. I don't want to be too dramatic, but the only reason I can think that this happened to us and we survived it is because God was trying to open my opens and make me realize what is truly important in life. Had I not been running 10 minutes late, this would never have happened. So, I learned an important lesson a very hard way. I need to live life to the fullest, appreciate all the wonderful people and gifts I have been blessed with. And at the end of the day, realize that all that really matters is how you treat the people you love and who love you back. And finally, families belong together...not separated by hundreds of miles.

So here is to a happy and healthy 2011, filled with love, laughter, and new adventures!